About Me

As a stay-at-home mother to 2 girls and 4 dogs, I spend a lot of time looking at my walls, ceilings and house, looking for ways to make it exquisite, but not “over-done”.

Growing up in the outskirts of DC, in a neighborhood where all the houses were old, unique and filled with antiques passed down in the family, I thought this was the norm. Not until I ventured out into the real world, did I realize that it is a lot of the same shortcuts by builders: repeating the same plans to avoid architects’ fees and devoid of most architectural elements in the hopes of increasing their bottom line.

After graduating from the University of Virginia with my Bachelor’s degree in economics, and spending a brief time in the Fiji Islands teaching computer science, I spent years in the tech world, traveling (seeing amazing – and different – architecture), working horrendous hours, but reaping the rewards.

Determined to provide a better life for my two, beloved Jack Russells, I started shopping for my 2nd house, but also determined not to reek of “new money”. (Nouveau riche was something whispered in my youth pointing out the tacky and a definite no-no!) My husband’s favorite saying when someone gloats too much after scoring a touchdown is, “Act like you’ve been there before.” It’s the exact same principle.

After 1 1/2 years of looking, I found a beautiful, historic house with plaster molding, high ceilings, and numerous fireplaces – gorgeous. It was one hour away from my office…without traffic. I had to pass. It’s been featured on HGTV since – Elway Hall in Warrenton.

This was the case every time. I found myself ready to purchase houses based upon crown molding – and nothing else! I knew I had a problem 😉 Since I couldn’t find what I wanted, I decided to build what I wanted with the historic features I love. I found 19 acres along the Potomac River and began designing. Building was a painful, two-year ordeal and our builder was just awful and unscrupulous. As he tried to gouge us on pricing and quality, we thought it best to get him out of the house asap and do the all finishing details that I wanted, like ornate moldings, with others.

I did not mean to become a DIYer. I could not have been a least likelier or experienced candidate! However, It seemed that every time a company saw our house, the price went up substantially. It started when I was trying to get our living room painted. The painter came over and quoted $10,000. Seriously. That just put me over the edge. If I wanted that kind of pricing, I could have stayed with my builder! After I told him he was nuts and he must think I’m stupid, he said, “Well, less for one coat.” I told him it would be no coats and showed him the door.

That launched it – I painted that room myself – and have painted every room in our house by myself at least once, sometimes 3 times! To get anything done, I had to bring multiple companies in for quotes and I was in the midst of that already fixing my builder’s mistakes. So, I started researching…

In researching – and discovering and obsessively watching HGTV and This Old House – I found how so many details were actually so easy to incorporate. I began to look at everything in my house a new way and spent all my time scouring the Internet.

I’m going to show you some projects that we did and are going to tackle in our house, and how to do them, as well as easy architectural elements to add to your house to make it distinctive and set it apart. We’ve had triumphs (who-hoo!!) and failures (grrrr….) along the way, which we’ve learned from, so I’ll point out our shortcomings as well.

I still get a thrill when someone asks me how long this house has been in my family or what the history of it is!! But I’m not done, much to my husband’s dismay 🙂 Please feel free to send me your stories, accomplishments and questions.


P.S. This is what the passenger seat looks like when I take/pick up my children to school 😀

428 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. My older sister used to renovate victorian homes in Santa Clara and San Jose California. It was an amazing amount of work. Usually she had to start with new foundations, and go up. I know she got all excited finding things like original stoves and fixtures. Good luck with all your projects.

    • Thank you, Michael! Your sister must be very tenacious for such undertakings, but they must be so rewarding as well! Reading/looking at so many books on architecture, I saw so many amazing historic homes on the west coast. They just don’t build houses like that any more…

      I appreciate you coming to my blog!!

  2. Kearney, the rooms in your posts are stunning! I look forward to more!

    My daughter also attends University of Virginia – Law School (graduates next year). She also is looking for an older home in her area (actually Norfolk) – maybe a bit of a fixer-upper, and has so many ideas of what she wants. She spends a lot of time in her kitchen.

    Kearney, did you actually design… or do the work on the rooms you depict… or both?


    • Hi Louise! I am so glad you came to my blog! Thank you very much for the words of encouragement! After writing a few entries, I began to look at other blogs (yours included) and not only was extremely impressed, but also so inspired that I couldn’t stop reading! My blog seems minute in comparison! The post with the white inspiration kitchens, I can take no credit for, but my home, my kitchen and architectural features, which are pictured, I designed. I plan on blogging on my house room by room to show architectural features and how to add them easily and cost effectively, plus show some from interior designers for ideas 🙂

      You must be so proud of your daughter – UVA Law School is so incredibly competitive!! There are so many great resources for fixing up older homes – beautiful faucets and light fixtures that are unique. So few people have the vision to purchase an older home and don’t realize how much can be done to it…. good luck to her!

      I look forward to reading more from your blog!!


  3. I enjoy your blog and I’m gonna follow 🙂

  4. Your blog has a very interesting concept and I will have to look through it further. My dad is an architect so I used to love looking at buildings and learning about different aspects.

  5. My house doesn’t exactly cater to Victorian design, but the good part of having an eclectic style is that anything from any era can be incorporated and still look fantastic. I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

  6. Kearney I love home design and architecture as well. I’m going to follow!

  7. I like this! I love old houses. They have character and personality and warmth.

    • Hi Patricia! I couldn’t have said it better! I just love the character that doesn’t seem to be added to a lot of houses by builders. I really appreciate you reading my blog and taking the time to write 🙂

  8. Kearney, well then, you have a wonderfully creative talent. I can’t wait to see your other rooms! And therefore, your blog is not at all ‘minute’ in comparison. You’d be depriving the rest of us of your talent if you didn’t share it in your blog. Please continue! During a recent visit with my daughter in Norfolk, we visited friends in their mini-mansions where the architecture was quite beautiful. You are doing your part in maintaining these aspects of our living environments. I know, because I live in a cookie-cutter home. Its good to dream …

    • You are entirely too kind and I deeply, deeply appreciate your inspiring words! With encouragement like that, it’s no wonder your daughter is in UVA Law School!! It just makes me want to work harder 🙂 Thank you so very, very much!!!

  9. I have many of the same feelings you do about homes. Although I’m happy with my current house (for now) I do long for many of the homes I grew up around in New England. Lots of old architecture and victorian style homes. When we moved South, I realized how many houses are quickly built to make money, leaving them void of quality and details.

    • What you grew up with is what I find fascinating!! The craftsmanship that was put into those houses was amazing! I bet you miss it 😦 I am so happy I found your blog and glad that you in turn have read mine 🙂

  10. Nice….I will follow, show me what you have done!

  11. Hi Kearney, Whilst not very evident from my blog we live in a Georgian house in a Welsh valley and architecture is an interest of mine. Our middle son intends to study architecture at uni too. Your house looks stunning. I will keep popping back with interest.

    Thanks again

    • Hello Howard! I am so glad you stopped by! I absolutely adore Georgian architecture and it sounds like such a bucolic life in the Welsh valley. My brother’s name is Llewellyn, which is Welsh, and is a long standing family name that goes back many generations:-)

  12. I’m really inspired by your attention to detail. I’m glad someone else appreciates the little things the same way I do! While I currently rent- I’m dreaming of a house of a similar style. In Boston you can usually pluck them off the market- for a price- but I never knew that you could bring this aesthetic into new construction. Can’t wait to read more…

    • Thank you very much! I absolutely appreciate architectural elements and think they can transform a home. In Boston, there are some extraordinary buildings and homes, but with extraordinary price tags 😦 I pour over books of historic homes and try to emulate a lot of what I see. I figured since I couldn’t buy what I wanted, I would try to make what I want!!! I appreciate your comment and am glad I’m not alone in my sense of design!

  13. I’m an admirer of architecture and I’ll read with interest your posts.

  14. My house is a featureless box built in England in the 1940’s so its anything but beautiful…Comfortable and loved but not beautiful..
    However I often have a ridiculous amount of fun photographing buildings and structures…I love finding detail and embellishment, especially when there is absolutely no practical reason for it…Beauty for the sake of beauty.

  15. I just stopped by and oh my—what a pretty blog you have here!

  16. You have a very interesting blog- I will certain return again!

  17. raven2298 said:

    You have a unique blog here. Your house is absolutly stunning! I”ll definitely be checking in.

  18. Can’t wait to check out your pictures.

    • Thanks!! I’m moving so much slower than I thought I would though! I got caught up in reading blogs instead of posting in a blog!! So many great blogs (yours) that I could spend the next month reading!

  19. I have noticed a few posts and I must say, I love it!
    If the picture on the sidebar is indeed your house it looks like one of my Friday Fantasies. (I love the stepped gable ends!) Keep up the great blogging.

    • Hi Etta! Thank you for coming to mine!

      Yes, that is my house and too love gables! When designing with the architect, he told me 3 gables were not possible and I showed him a picture of a historic house that had them. I absolutely adore historic preservation. I pulled so many details from historic architecture – and that’s a lot of what my blog is about – adding these elements to houses 🙂 I appreciate your kind words and encouragement!!


  20. I like the name of your blog. Anyway, while I do not have a refined eye, I do appreciate orginiality. My wife and I lived in a prewar building in Manhattan. It had a number of cool features in terms of the architecture. Now, we are in a house in the suburbs. There are many in our neighborhood that are exactly the same. It would be nice to be able to find ways to make it more unique but a lack of $ and time hold us back. Oh well – it beats the cold!

  21. Hey there, I appreciate your sense of design and style, and see you have a real passion for it .. keep it up! JBW

  22. Kearny, You have a lovely, amazing home — your family, including your dogs, are very fortunate! Best of luck with your continued endeavors. Hope to stay in touch.

  23. It looks like I’ll enjoy your blog.

  24. I simply love following THIS OLD HOUSE, we are in an old house (relatively old 1915) that had few beautiful details at all – it was supposedly used as a granary at one point. So we have been adding back what could’ve been here over the past two decades. Look forward to your posts!

  25. I love your sense of style and eye for design. I will definitely stop back.

  26. I enjoy your writing style and loved the photo above “About me”. Beautiful! Good luck with your projects!

  27. Great write up. Thank you.

    Have a Blessed Day,

    Danny & Laura

  28. I’m intrigued by your projects and can’t wait to see more!

    PS….in 1999/2000 we lived in Virginia, my hubby worked in Warrenton, we lived in Bealeton…..everything was beautiful there but I was terribly homesick for Texas.

    • I still a happy dance when someone “likes” or comments! It just makes your day!! I’m so glad you like the projects – I LOVE doing them!

      Virginia is a long way from Texas and leaving your home state is just so hard, especially if leaving family and you move somewhere with no family…We’ve never had a babysitter or had to board our dogs because family is here. I’d be lost without it! Thanks for reading and the nice words! I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts 🙂

  29. Beautiful designs. I love the pictures!

  30. I’m a relocated NOVA-ian … in Charlottesville to be exact. Loving the spice racks — seriously!

  31. Hello Kearney

    I will come back for more of your posts, your ideas are wonderful !!

  32. Hello Kearney, just wanted to say I’ve started following your blog today, it’s a really interesting subject (I love architectural design and am also in the process of renovating a house, albeit on a much smaller scale!) and it’s good to see how the story of your current house is unfolding. Best of luck with your projects and I look forward to seeing future entries!

  33. I thoroughly enjoyed this article. Andre’

  34. Hmmmm… where do I start? I love your whole blog space! I once lived in a house that would’ve been the perfect playground for much the same projects I had in mind. But, that was a previous life, and I doubt I’ll ever live in such a place ever again. Life changes.

    I will follow your blog, though, because it is something I once imagined myself doing. I wish you well and look forward to watching your progress. 🙂

  35. Good luck on your labor of love 🙂

  36. Hi Kearney. I am enjoying looking around your blog. Your house is beautiful, and I am so, so jealous of your pull-out pantry! I’m sorry to say I am design-impaired, but my husband is not & loves to make our typical suburban house more interesting — when he has time. So, we will be back for inspiration! — Jeannette

  37. I did live in Frederick, Md andin many older stone homes that once may have been pre-civil war.

  38. Your blog looks great! I will definitely be back.

  39. J M Naszady said:

    It’s a treat to see your site! My husband and I watch This Old House from time to time. I grew up in a Dutch Colonial and a Victorian in the SF Bay Area. Now we own (gasp) a tract home. Such is the life of a school teacher. But I still dream about something else…my grandfather was an architect!

  40. Wishing you all the very best with yours and continued pleasure with your daughters, your dogs, and good luck with the four walls. 🙂 The pleasure our girls gave us both whilst we were home educating and to this day (now 18 and 21) is priceless. Wishing you the same!

  41. What a great Idea for a blog! Thank you and you can bet when Im not travelling I will be stealing some ideas from you!

    P.S Adorable dog!

  42. Hi Kearney –

    The pictures in your post are stunning and after reading your profile, I know that I’ll be coming back to check out the progress on your home. You do have a beautiful eye for detail – and great tips that any homeowner can appreciate!

  43. Hi Kearney … Your blog looks very interesting. I too love historic homes though I’ve never had the chance to reno one. Looking forward to following your progress … Be well … 🙂

  44. I was very impressed by your eye for such classic styles. I hope that we are able to keep in touch. Keep up the excellent work!

  45. We are in the NoVA area as well! Our houses are just a TAD different (hah) but it is interesting to read about your house projects and compare them to ours. My husband also went to UVa! We have a lot in common. Good luck with your projects!

    • Hi!!! So nice to hear from someone in NOVA and a fellow Hoo!!

      It doesn’t matter if the houses are different! I’m hoping to show projects that *everyone* can do in their house (like crown molding, door surrounds) and I’m sure your husband would love a project or two 😉 haha! But it does add to a house’s value, is just a great way to set your house apart and be architecturally interesting 🙂

      Keep in touch!

  46. momwhearingloss said:

    My pumpkin room project – small fry compared to your projects – you have a beautiful house and exquisite taste – look forward to seeing more!

  47. Hi Kearney, I enjoy your blog very much. Growing up in different parts of the world, I was always interested in architecture and even studied for a time with the intention of being an architect. Detours along the way have taken me along many different paths, but I am still taken by the beauty of design and “form follows function.” Wishing you all the best!

  48. Look forward to reading your blog and hopefully get some good ideas for my home which we are forever renovating.

  49. such an interesting & personal blog! love this DIY aspect

  50. Gosh — your blog is right up my alley….not that I’ve ever done anything like the projects you tackle here. I’m more of an architectural voyeur — so thanks for the eye candy!

  51. I just read your “about”. Wow… how cool it must be to go through this process of making every detail of your home totally yours (italics on the “yours”). Though your husband must be DONE with the process, as you say, he’s probably secretly very happy with all your hard work. I’ll be sure to check out your pages!

  52. I really appreciate all the great information in your blog.

  53. Dear Kearney!

    Your house is lovely and all your hard work clearly reflects on the pictures you have posted.


  54. Wow, TWO Jack Russell’s. I had one, Kleberg, for sixteen years and always thought that it would be better to have two. Not so the rest of the family. I look forward to future postings and I certainly appreciate that you stopped by to visit mine. Thank you.

    • Would you believe my two Jack Russells were the flower girls in my wedding?They walked down the aisle with flower garlands around their necks 🙂

      Unfortunately, I only have one now as the other died 2 years ago. Lucy, my sweet Jack Russell, is 15 and has inoperable cancer with a baseball-size tumor in her belly. They gave her 2 months to live…that was 2 years ago!

      She is the alpha dog of 3 German Shepherds!! She will go up to their food bowl, growl and they back away. JRs just think they are big dogs and have large personalities. Aren’t they a great breed?

      I am so glad you stopped by DO hope you will visit again!!

  55. Fred Polli said:

    Hi Kearney, thank you for liking my post about Java Girl. I see you are a fellow Hoo. I graduated Law in 94 and CLAS in 88. Always nice to hear from another grad of the U. I love your house. Sounds exactly like what my wife would like to do. I wonder if I’ll be in your husband’s position before too long…

    • I’m so sorry it has taken me a while to respond to you, but I have thought you several times! This blog is a little more time consuming than I thought it would be and, although I don’t reply to everyone, I try to respond to some and am falling behind!

      I am always happy to hear from a fellow Hoo!! Thank you for the compliment on my house – I still have so many things I want to do architecturally to it 🙂 I highly recommend trying some of the projects and would be more than happy to supply you with more details if you need them 🙂

      I’m so glad you contacted me. Please stay in touch!!

  56. I love that you took on such a huge project yourself. It really can be so over whelming with so many choices but kudos to you for taking it on and loving every minute of it really shows in your blog.

    • Thank so much! It was probably naivety on my part not realizing how many choices there would be and it was completely form scratch…I even had to pick out hinges!! I think many people don’t realize how much goes into it, but now I am hooked!

      Thank you very much for visiting and I hope that you visit my blog again soon!!

  57. Madam your site is about fine work of art. Your dogs are cute. Just like the 3 shih tzu. Living inside our house. Awesome house you got their. Best Regards Nonoy Manga

  58. Hi Kearney! Nice to meet a fellow “wahoo” (I graduated in 1994). Moving back to the DC area shortly. Very informative and beautiful site!

    • Another Hoo!! That’s great that you are moving back…well, I guess that depends where you are leaving 😉 I’m glad you like my site as well and hope you continue to visit it!

  59. Lovely! Maybe one day my art will afford a home I can ask you to decorate. If not, I’ll just keep loving my work.

  60. I just found your blog on WP, which actually had sent me an email notification about it. I really enjoyed my visit here!

  61. I too stayed home with my two daughters for seven years… Too much fun !!! Play-dough & paint galore 🙂


  62. Hi

    Seems like everyone is crazy about your “old house sense” which leads me to ask how you ended up having a bad experience with a custom home builder? Did you hire your own architect for the project? If you did not could I presume to ask why not? It is an area of particular interest to me.

    Many Thanks, and your house is lovely.

    • Yes, I did hire an independent architect. The plans were not the problem – the builder was just AWFUL!

      He marked products up 2000%, refused to fix a single nail pop, put water pipes in our attic, which obviously froze, etc, etc, etc. We had roofing issues right from the get go, which he wouldn’t fix, he said it falls under the roofers responsibility, but they went out of business.

      He charged us a premium and got the cheapest (inexperienced) labor possible. Awful, awful, awful!

      We specifically took out a clause in our contract that our house would not be used in any marketing materials. Well, I just found out a month ago, he put our house up on his website. So now we have to send a cease and desist because I would never want anyone to think I recommend him. Ugh!

    • If you read through my blog, I frequently (especially in the comments) talk about how the problem of today is that structures are left to builders (and their aesthetics, for which they had no training) and they will skimp and take any shortcut possible to make a buck. So, there is no architectural interest any more. There’s a perception that architects cost a lot, but they also add a lot of value to the house, which is frequently not realized.

      • I truly wish there was a way to make the horror stories go away. I know that I work every day to improve the construction environment so that my clients may expect really great outcomes. Continued good luck with your many decorative projects.

  63. I love your website! I am obsessed with houses, especially the ones that you are showing! Here in L.A. there aren’t many houses like that, though I do have one friend who has one of the few remaining original Beverly Hills houses from the 1920’s, complete with secret passageways and rooms to get around Prohibition. I went to Medical School at UVA (I’m not going to ask you when you graduated) and I have also spent time in Fiji.

  64. Your blog covers some major D.I.Y.! very cool

  65. Hello Kearney,

    I just love your project! My husband is a union carpenter and has worked in many custom homes. He has been in the trade for over 8 years and in that time I have picked up a thing or two from him 🙂 So needless to say I will be following your blog lol It will be nice to read up on home improvement from a homeowner’s perspective. My husband and I hope to purchase our first home within the next year, so it will be nice to read your blog for inspiration.

    All the Best,


    • Thank you very much, Maria!! I must admit, I am super jealous!! With your husband’s knowledge and craft, you all will be able to do some amazing things!!

      I’m so glad you visited and liked what we’ve done thus far. I still have a long list of what I’d still like to do 🙂

      Please stay in touch!!


  66. I must admit I am a very lucky girl because he sure is HANDY! I cannot wait for your next post so I can share it with my husband. I’m positive he will be very impressed with the work you are doing so far – He absolutely LOVES people who are not afraid to tackle on big projects, but want to do it the right way. The challenge of remodeling a home to detailed specifications is DEFINITELY his cup of tea LOL

    Will definitely keep in touch. Hope to see you around my neck of the woods sometime soon.

    Maria 😀

  67. I took a look at your blog and love it. I’m sure it will give me some inspiration for my house which is badly in need of a new look. Thanks.

  68. “Act like you’ve been there before.” I love that!

    Sorry, that just really struck me funny as I remember seeing those immature “professional” athletes act like they’ve never been in the end zone before.

    My skills in restoring old houses could be defined in one word: None.

    Good luck with yours. 🙂

  69. Hi

    I shall be watching your blog as I think it’s great

  70. Quite a place you have there–inside and out

  71. Hi Kearney, we would just like to thank you for your continuous support! It’s truly appreciated and we really do love to meet new (and like-minded) WordPress friends in other parts of the (design) world! 😉

  72. Your blog looks great! 🙂

  73. i grew up in a row home in Pennsylvania. I, too, thought those houses were the norm.

    I’m stationed in Texas with the military and discovered a different type of cookie cutter house. We bought a small ranch home built in the 1960s and when selling it, I had to worry about competition from newer homes. My PA house was built in the early 1900s, I thought 1960s was new!

    We’re moving to PA in July and I cannot wait to buy a historic row home in the city. It’s always been my dream.

  74. Thank you for an informative blog. Where else could I get that kind of info written in such a perfect way? I have a project that I am just now working on, and I have been on the look out for such information.

  75. Kevin Seidule said:

    I had to laugh at your about me. I built a house once thinking I would get everything I wanted in a house. It was awesome, but gessssh! What an ordeal! 🙂

    • I know, right?? What a complete pain!! Custom building sounds SO great in theory, but it takes years off of your life!! I had to laugh at your “gesssh”!!! That is such a good way to describe it!!

  76. This is a great blog! My girlfriend and I are building a house and she will love this! Nice

  77. Absolutely gorgeous. In reality and intent. Nothing is more heartwarming than a lovingly detailed home. It’s what makes it a “home”. Extraordinaire, in this case xo

  78. Thank you, Kearney, for visiting my blog and I had a look at yours which is grand!
    Are you on Pinterest? You will find lots of visual inspiration there for all your projects.
    What a task ahead you have, but a lovely one. Good luck!

  79. Great post and very inspiring! Will keep popping back!

  80. love your DIY door surround post. i’ll definitely be checking back here.

  81. Kearney,
    You certainly exhibit a great talent to details and room makeover. I love all the photos and you discerning eye in bringing out some really creative and beautiful elements within a room structure. When my wife gets home I’ll have to show her your site. She likes to watch HGTV also. Thank you for you time and interest in some of my images lately. I own a small landscape business, that unfortuantely seems to be coming to an end after 25 years, competition and bankruptcy has drastically cut into my income. However, landscape photography has always been my passion and I find the outside as intriguing and beautiful as you do interiors. Again thank you for your interest. Best regards, rek.

  82. Kearney,
    Have you ever made your own plaster mold and done the moldings yourself? I am so fascinated by this technique. Don’t really have a spot in my small house where this would be an appropriate effect–have to go with less “invasive” wood trim–but I like to see homes where people have taken on this kind of project since it seems to be a lost art in homes today.
    Carmen Havens

    • Carmen – you are after my heart!! Yes, I have looked into it and have also met with companies that do it. Elway Hall had it and that’s why I loved the house!

      I am probably going to hire a company to do plaster work on the ceiling and the crown of one room. I want something so ornate that it would be too hard for me to make it look good and if I messed up it would be messy to remove!!

      But, I want to try to do some plasterwork in our garden and dining room….so we will see!! It is so nice to see some one mention plaster!! Thank you for commenting – you put a smile on my face 🙂

      • I can’t wait to see the plaster craftsmanship in your house! This is exciting! It’s such a lost art, in my opinion. Have found a few things on-line to learn about it, but you don’t see many people DOING it. Yay for you! Wish I had a house that lends itself to plaster. Oneday…:-)

  83. Hi! I just wish to give you a big thumbs up for your excellent information you have right here on this post. I’ll be coming back to your website for more soon.

  84. Jennifer Butler Basile said:

    While I cannot relate to building an entire home, I can relate to your kitchen design adventures. We decided to rip apart our kitchen and start from scratch when I was seven months pregnant with our third. Now that would make for an interesting blog post!

    Thank you for an inspiring and aesthetically pleasing site. I’ll look to it for more inspiration!

  85. Dear A Detailed House I nominate you to recieve the Kreativ Blogger Award!

    Click here to check it out!

    Kreativ Blogger Award

  86. You do indeed deserve an award, for your Kreativity, ADH! Love your posts.

  87. I loved the picture of your dog (I have a couple of golden retrievers and I love dogs.) Your home looks like a castle and I look forward to seeing more of it on your posts. I designed our home which we started building in 1977 and finished in 1978. It is built out of Tennesee stone and rough sawn wood with brick and stone fireplaces and lots of bookcases. It is very rustic in the woods and just what I wanted. But I love seeing other homes and enjoyed hearing about what you have done with yours.

    • We also have 3 German Shepherds 🙂 We are HUGE dog lovers!! Your home sounds beautiful! We used native stone too for our home. Thank you so much visiting, commenting and complimenting!!

  88. Scott Stahl said:

    Very nice. Sounds like busy is your middle name. Your About Me Page is enough to interest me in you blog and continue to follow your thoughts and methods. Thanks for the opportunity. Oh, by the way I’m glad you liked my article about the Arabian Horse Show.


  89. Kearney,
    Next time you and your brood are in Paris (the French love dogs) look me up and I’ll happily send you on a treasure hunt.
    In the meantime your site is wonderful — What an enormous undertaking, and how lovely that you’ve shared it here so comprehensively.
    Kind regards,
    Daisy de Plume

    • Daisy,

      I will gladly take you up on that!! I just adore treasure hunts, meandering for antiques and artwork…and I adore shopping in Paris!! I’ve spent some time there and I LOVE how dog friendly it is – just an open door policy even IN restaurants!! I so wish it was that way here!

      The architecture is so mouth-dropping, I could spend months just staring at buildings! And antiques there are old, old!! I have 2 chandeliers from Paris that are 300 years old that are now wired for electricity. It is just a treasure trove there!!

      Thank you so much for your kind offer and I will look you up next time we are there!!


  90. Im including this article in my blogs top ten blog posts of 2012. Was a pleasure reading this. Thanks again.

    • What a complete honor considering how many great blogs there are!! Thank you SO very much…I really appreciate your tremendous vote of confidence and I will do my very best to live up to it!! Thank you!!!

  91. I look forward to reading your blog! BTW your dog is absolutely adorable 🙂

  92. Hi .. We are in the middle of a renovation too .. pulled down all walls and ceilings except the kitchen that I am now living in. There must be easier ways! Great blog! Bruce

  93. Hi Kearney – Your house is quite an impressive pursuit! If you ever have a charming photo of your dogs sleeping, send them my way and I’ll be happy to share.

  94. Nice blog. My sister loves decoration and she’s studying Interior Design. I’m sure she’ll loves it! I will show her too.
    Keep the nice work!

  95. prosewithabbitude said:

    I am enjoying your blog. Being a Real Estate Agent in DC and the metro region I sympathize with your issues on builders and contractors. Looking forward to your future posts.

  96. Hi Kearney,
    I’m so glad to find your blog. There’s are very few folks out there writing about these issues. I’ve been a Design-Building Contractor in Reno, Nevada, for over 20yrs and unfortunately, I’ve heard more stories like yours thank I can count. I started an educational post, to try and help people become more educated before making any decisions. I’ll be very happy to link your posts. Thank you!

  97. My Mom’s house in Pennsylvania was bulit in 1737. Someone put stucco on the stone exterior sometime in the 1920’s, still it was wonderful. She bought it in 1970 for $45,000.00, then bought the old barn next door. She used all the buildings, milk house, garages, etc., but as she aged it was harder for her to maintain. She sold it in 2007 for $465,000.00. People still value our historic homes.

  98. I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award!


  99. Gorgeous blog! Wow, your ideas will be a great source of inspiration to me as I create my own home…one of these days!

  100. Four dogs – very cool.

  101. Love your blog! Great attention to detail. And Jack Russells!

  102. I like your blog, will have to browse through it! When my husband and I redid our little house, I was the one that got to choose the paint. Nothing is white, except for where my husband got in a hurry and painted the laundry room area white. LOL Everyone that comes in loves the different colors!

  103. Hi Kearney! Wow, your architectural things are inspirational! Like that! 🙂

  104. I love lots of color in the kitchen. My husband, on the other hand, doesn’t! I need to slowly wear him down! 🙂 your blog is great!

  105. Wow, I see you’re very ambitious when it comes to architecture! I’m sure I’ll see your lovely home on the cover of a magazine someday.

  106. Hi there,

    I found the great historic homes in the Midlands UK are an inspiration, in many aspects of a build. So many rules in restoring a grade 1 / 2 home.. Love your blog. All the best luck..


  107. going through a renovation of an old home so your blog hits the spot

  108. Hi Kearney! I love your blog! I feel the exact same way about the detailing and quality of new homes. My husband and I are soon approaching a house-hunt, and while we are attracted to the idea of a new home, we feel jipped by their utter lack of detailing, character, and uniqueness. A custom build is our dream, and I’m glad to have found your blog to read about your experiences with that. Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

  109. THANK YOU for visiting my “punny” photobog and leaving a “like.” I’m especially grateful because it introduced me to YOUR blog. I have had a lifelong interest in architecture and interior design (so I’ve already subscribed!).

    –John R.: http://TheDailyGraff.com

  110. agoodehouse said:

    As a blogger who’s knee deep in renovation (doing it myself) I really appreciate looking through your site, and can relate to it all! It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you put your mind to it. Nobody you hire will ever take the time and care that you will and your work will almost always come out so much more beautiful. Not to mention how rewarding it is to “do it yourself” and the dough you’ll save! It’s an awesome feeling. Although I’m a mid-century modern girl, I appreciate all that beautiful crown molding and the attention to detail. I think it’s incredible. Congrats on doing it yourself and not settling for what someone else thinks is “acceptable”.

  111. A wonderful, adventuresome, *engaged* and invested approach, and it always pays!! I applaud your attitude and will look forward to seeing much, much more as you go!

  112. I don’t know how refined my eye is, but I do think that you have a beautiful blog!

  113. Impressive project!

  114. Definitely a distinct sense of pride when it comes to creating something on your own. I have the same frustration with contractors who tend to offer too high prices and low value work. Drives me crazy, and I too would rather just do it myself. Even if it turns out not quite like I wanted, at least I didn’t pay extra for the disappointment.

  115. SassyRedd said:

    Great Blog!! 🙂

  116. It seems we are both HGTV junkies, live in the same area, and have had similar experiences ($10k quote on painting! Really!? Did it myself) I love your site…going to follow you.

  117. Your blog is really impressive and I like the (surprise !) “Inspiration” category, especially the post on colorful kitchens : I only wear black clothes but I adore colorful rooms !

  118. I like to tease that our home (not old at all a baby at about 25 -years) has a very specific look and that is “Early In-law”. We’ve done some upgrades to our ‘cookie cutter suburban home. But that is just what it is a well lived in home! I’ll have to come back and look at your ‘how to’s’. My first love is, writing… but I am a crafty soul too. Cheers!

  119. I love old houses – my parents’ is part 15th century cottage and part 18th house facade and has bags of character. Sadly, my own house is a squat, ugly modern thing, but I dream of buying an old hacienda with walls, a gate and a tower and doing it up. Your blog is very inspirational and has already given me some ideas to bridge the gap between the present and the never-gonna-happen.

  120. I love your story! Will definitely be checking out some of your projects. Also, thanks for visiting!

  121. Kearney I look forward to checking out some of your posts. Oh, and I love the pic of your adorable dog above.

  122. I enjoyed your story. Unfortunately, I had a very similar experience with a builder. I find it amazing that even with the regulations by the states ( in my case, Florida) that there are loopholes that these crappy builders seem to slime through.

  123. Cute dog! Plus I looked at your page about organizing your house and it is amazing.

  124. patsquared2 said:

    What a nice story and how lovely that you were able to learn to do all those things yourself. Sometimes I think we underestimate our own skills! You should hold some classes and share what you know with other women, especially younger women who have had no exposure to how things work and how to fix them! I’m not young, but I would come….

  125. Kearney you blog is beautiful!
    KD x

  126. Love what I’ve read thus far! Keep in touch!

  127. I’m jealous of your mission! As a child I wanted to be an architect and I ended up a banker…Thanks for stopping by my blog and for introducting me to yours!

  128. cowgirliz said:

    Beautiful blog! Your home looks absolutely exquisite!
    Hopefully I can glean some ideas and tips for an eventual make-over on the kitchen in the *gasp* double-wide I live in.
    Thanks for the like on my post “Is it Spring?”

  129. Hi. I enjoyed looking at your blog. — Ray

  130. Wow, some of your experiences sound similar to ours. We were “cheated” out of thousands of dollars by one contractor when we planned to add another bedroom and bath to our second story, hill-side home. Before construction started, we ended up firing him and then doing battle after he filed a lien against our property. Eventually, he lost and the state sided with us. After all, he had collected almost $30 thousand before buying any materials or getting the building permit.

    Since that experience, we either do the work ourselves or find sub contractors. In fact, my wife is on the steep slope behind our house as I write this comment working in the terraced garden getting the tomatoes in before the nine days of predicted rain starts tomorrow.

    I suspect you will feel more of a connection with your house due to the work you do instead of the work you pay someone else to do.

  131. I can 100% relate to the frustrations with builders and contractors after having built my house 3 years ago . . . by the end, I found myself just not caring about some of the things I knew I should really care about! No fun! I’m looking forward to keeping up with all your projects! Fun blog!

  132. we love your site! 🙂

  133. I love your house! (the pic of the exterior). (:^) I too see my home as my inspiration. This is my third house and I swear I’ve never declared any one of them finished!

    But that’s the fun, huh?

    Regards, Dawne at D Magazine

  134. Hi Kearney,

    I wanted to thank you for taking the time to read my blog. But wow your blog is off the charts. Love all the photos, as well as, the pup portrait. As the parents of Jake the Wonder dog (also a Jack Russell), my wife and I have an acute appreciation of fine pet photography.

    Thanks again for stopping by my blog. Hope you keep on reading.

    Be encouraged!

  135. Your blog is interesting. We are thinking of buying, but not sure about fixing up.

  136. martaliddiard said:

    I love your “About”. A few years ago we bought a beautiful (money pit) century home here in the Niagara region. With kids and pets and no real budget it gets interesting for sure. After reading about you wanting those spice cabinets and the strain your relationship endured just made my day! Our husbands are saints aren’t day? Look forward to reading and learning from you. Cheers!

  137. I will definitely be checking this blog out for thoughts and inspiration – J.

  138. I must say, what an appropriate time! We just bought an apartment & are in the midst of renovating it, your blog has given me lotsa inspiration even though the flat that we bought is very small (just 90sqm, approx. 970sq ft). Singapore flats are really that small, since land is scarce here.

    I’m also a stay-at-home mom! It has been the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. Loving every minute of it!

  139. Hi Kearney
    We couldn’t be further apart from each geographically, i live in Perth on the west coast of Australia but I do feel we have quite a bit in common…i have two girls too and also did my economics degree and worked in business before acknowledging my love of all things beautiful and going back to study for 3 years to get interior design qualifications…I also love your fox story..that is the sort of thing I would do too…I once held up three lanes of traffic to shoo a mother duck and 8 ducklings off the road…very stupid and dangerous looking back on it but something I just had to do at the time. So I look forward to reading more of your blogs and staying in touch through this wonderful resource…I am becoming a bit obsessed though, I burned dinner the other night whilst posting my Amy Judd artist post and sometimes I have to say enough is enough and go back to being a wife and mother…for a little while anyway!


  140. Gonna reach out to you when i move into my new home! And here for you if you need any maintenance n mani friendly decor and home-keeping tips…glad we’ve connected!

  141. Kearney, Your blog looks terrific. Now following!

  142. Neat blog. I hope someday I will have the time and money to do some of the things you have done! Thanks!

  143. Your drive and creativity is inspiring (also appreciate your love & devotion to your dogs!) I have always had a passion for old architecture; old houses and buildings have so much spirit (sometimes literally) and character, not to mention the quality and craftsmanship you just don’t see too much of these days. I commend you in creating a masterpiece that people mistake for antique, for expending the care, time and cost. So sorry you’ve had to deal with such highway-robber contracting companies…Money, or the appearance of such certainly can be an intoxicating, corrupting elixir, can’t it?

  144. i will definitely keep stopping by for inspiration. creative minds always give me a boost

  145. I am so happy to have discovered your site as I have a passion for architecture and design and really believe it’s all about the details. Look forward to following you here!

  146. It seems I’m always in the middle of some home improvement project. It will be fun to follow your blog. I love doing projects!

  147. I am going to give the follow button a press as we have some fantaastic old houses around here. Castles, Cathederals, Manor houses and more. We are also blessed with a huge number of styles of cottage from bygone days. We have in places a great mix of old and new, Our own house is a mixture of construction from 16?? to 1979 which can be a bit confusing. Keep it up.

  148. Sarah Martin said:

    Hi! I have been enjoying your posts, and thought you would like an award:

    Grab your sunglasses…


    • Sarah, I am SO sorry!! I have no idea how I missed this!!! I feel just awful for the delay in acknowledging and thanking you! I am deeply appreciative of you bestowing such an honor, but more so that you enjoy reading my blog and that what I write means something 🙂

      Thank you so very much and please forgive me!!

  149. Hi Kearney….You have a beautiful home and a beautiful blog. 🙂

  150. kltolsen said:

    You have a lovely theme going here. The worlds of architectural design and visual beauty impact each of us uniquely but deeply.

    We used to live in an historical house in the center of a darling, little mid-western town, but my husband was transferred out to Arizona, and we now live in a new development in a house that was a model. It is so southwestern and gorgeous — in a way I had never experienced before.

    I am very visually aware, so I appreciate your devotion to classical styles and historical homes. Now, my main connection with the past is through my mother’s dining room suite and china and other family things we brought to Arizona.

    My greatest connection with the past is the various views of mountains I enjoy from any room in our house. We live in a broad valley that is a mile high in elevation, surrounded by the Bradshaw and Mingus Mountains. The ancient beauty of nature is a bold and rugged beauty — quite different from the coy and lush farm land beauty of Ohio. I love it all.

    Blessings to you!

  151. Hello again!!

    I’m glad to announce that you have been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award!! I simply love your blog.. One can’t but admire the great work you are doing 🙂



  152. Inspiring! A lovely and interesting journey.

  153. I almost choked when I read $10,000 to paint one room!!! WOW! For $10,000 I’d paint the living room AND paint a couple originals for the walls! LOL 😀 Cool blog ya have here!

    And thank you for liking my post about my 2nd original painting being approved as a real US Postage Stamp. 😀 I just started my blog this morning after a couple of my fans urged me to start blogging. 😀

  154. I’m excited to browse around this lovely blog

  155. lnmwonderfulworld said:

    While I am not as fortunate as you are to have a beautiful big home, I am a DIYer in my small condo. I’ve painted, plumbed, tiled, wallpapered and I love doing it myself. The advantage of being a DIYer is that when I do hire a contractor I know what questions to ask and what to look for. They don’t get any slack with me. 🙂
    Happy Trails.

  156. I just noticed you’re now following my blog! thank you for subscribing! 😀

  157. Kearney, thank you so much for all your support. It means the world to me.

  158. What a lovely blog!

    Love the way you took matters into your own hands.

    Bet your lovely house smiled when you did as that was what it wanted all along 🙂

    Waving from a weekend in the country!

    _teamgloria x

  159. I am so happy that I have “discovered” you! You see, we just bought a house; a simple little bungalow. As we near retirement, we don’t want to be saddled with anything too big or cumbersome. We went for practicality. Yet, my heart aches for the “dream” of a house. Your site is chock full of ideas and I can see years of making this house we are about to possess our home. I look forward to learning and doing and fixing.

    p.s. We moved here (Cleveland, OH) seven months ago from Fairfax, VA!

  160. Wow, you are brave. I looking forward to reading your blogs.

  161. Hi. Thanks for looking around Storyteller. — Ray

  162. Hey there, Sunshine. I’m sure you get this all the time…I nominated you for The Sunshine Award. Congrats! You’ve brought the sunshine in with you! Your friend, Stephanie@Random Acts

    • Oh, Stephanie!!! I am so, SO honored and humbled!! You have made my week and put a smile on my face like the cat that ate the canary!!! Thank you so very much!! And CONGRATULATIONS to YOU for your sunshine award!!! No one could be more deserving!!

  163. Hi, I just found your blog, and I am in spired and impressed! I wish I had the creativity and talent you have to design beautiful spaces. I will definitely refer to your site when needing inspriation for my home. We purchased a newer home with no character – basic builder everything, and I love older homes with character and charm. I, too, can fall in love with a house based on its’ moulding! And… windows… I love beautiful windows!

    Thank you also for visiting my blog and taking a look at my garden’s beginnings! I appreciate you stopping by and liking my post. I’m hoping the garden is full of healthy green plants in the weeks and months to come.


    • Oh thank you, Sarah!! I am in the beginning stages of getting my garden ready for this year, but every year my plans are bigger than my energy level! I dream (and even have it laid out on paper) of a cutting garden, but I have spent all my time just landscaping around the house and entrance. But every year, our property gets better and better. It was completely devoid of anything! Luckily, your blog gave me the kick in the pants to get the blackberry bushes I keep saying I’m going to get!! On a more serious note, keep your head up….I can only imagine all the stress you are going through 😦 All my best!

  164. Hi Kearney!
    I really like your blog. Although our homes are nothing alike, your pictures and commentary make me smile. I love my little black and white bathroom and truly appreciate my white kitchen cabinets, too. Both were projects of my very handy, retired husband. I find a certain freshness and serenity in a light colored room. Besides, wiping off the splatters as you see them is so much better than trying to remove them during a more thorough cleaning on the weekend (after they’ve adhered).
    I also applaud your efforts on behalf of Scraggly the fox. We once had a baby coyote get his head caught in our chain link fence. My husband had to cut the fencing to free him. I was appalled when a neighbor said we should have killed the little vermin. How could anyone kill a baby!
    I am so glad you invited the blogosphere into your world. — huffyron (the wife)

  165. Oh, I’m definitely going to like this blog. I have no creativity when it comes to houses, AT ALL. Thank you for sharing. Can’t wait for more!

  166. Thank you for sharing your talents. Orah

  167. I’m so glad you liked the story about my rug! (http://parentingisfunny.wordpress.com/2012/03/27/the-story-about-the-rug/) I was actually thinking about you even before I posted it, hoping you would weigh in. So, do you like the rug? Or not so much because it isn’t black and white? Perhaps it’s too hard to say without a view of the entire room to get the full spectrum. If only I had made the rug myself! Now that would have impressed you. haha!

    • My littlest one came home, so I couldn’t write a comment, but I related to your story COMPLETELY! The whole time I was SO nervous you wouldn’t find the rug and just completely *died* at the end!!!!! I love it!!!! Now, if you had hand knotted that rug, I would have been SO impressed 😉

      I only meant to do one black and white post, but then got the request for the bathroom! I dont even have a black and white room in my house, although I think I’m going to put in some black and white tile. I gotta mix I up my posts with some color!!

  168. Oh, good. I’m so glad you bonded with me on that one. 🙂 Please, please, when you get a chance, add your comment on my blog. I would appreciate it. (Good for my ego and all. 😉 ) And I look forward to seeing your colored posts!!! 🙂

  169. I have been finding inspiration on your blog — hope to return the favor.

  170. You have an awesome blog here and I look forward to learning from it 🙂 Have a great day

  171. I took a moment and jumped on your blog today and your house is absolutely stunning! I laughed at the idea of four dogs….I have two beautiful but rambunctious Labrado Retreivers that really give me a run for my money! For me this mean daily vacuming of my hard floors!

    Small House / Big Sky Donna

  172. I’m nominating you for The Versatile Blogger Award! Learn more about it at http://buildingthisnest.wordpress.com/2012/03/30/a-blog-award-for-me/.

  173. Danthonia said:

    You have a great blog here. Love the Chefs Kitchen in the Colorful Kitchens entry. My joy is having a practical kitchen that draws in the visitor to be a part of the cooking process.

    Keep up the good work.

  174. Hello!
    I checked out your blog and was hooked. I subscribed and am looking forward to seeing what you will do (or have done) to the rest of your lovely home.
    I seem to have champagne taste and beer money but I absolutely aspire and admire the type of designs you’re featuring.
    Congratulations on such a beautiful blog and your recent award!

  175. Charles Pacqué said:

    I nominated you for ‘The Versatile Blogger Award’. If you don’t now what it is, it will make sense.


  176. Great blog! Kelly

  177. Absolutely Beautiful! Way to large for little ole me, but does give way for lovely ideas that come rambling through my head! 🙂

  178. I can’t believe you built that house – Amazing! Is it a bad sign that I immediately wondered how I would get about keeping it clean though?

    I’m sorry you had such a bad experience with your builder. I was very fortunate with my only experience to date and would use him again if I was ever in the lucky position to be able to build or renovate again.

  179. Hi Kearney
    Thanks for checking out my mosaics at Kast Hill Studio! If you’re ever interested in breaking china at one of my workshops or having me create a unique and gorgeous back splash just for you, let me know! : )
    Thanks, Lizz

  180. Kearney,
    So glad I could find you. What an amazing house. I can’t wait to follow your progress.

  181. Hi Kearney,
    My husband and I have taken on a few home improvements over our 30 years of marriage. Our latest home required the use of a crane to move part of an existing cabin to our present location. Life is an adventure and we enjoy the ride with tools in hand.

  182. A guy at the Farmer’s Market told me to use the Aperture mode. Then my camera automatically find the right setting on it’s own.. That seems to get me the best photos. I use natural light as well. If it’s a dark picture I lighten it in Picnik.. Now that it’s closing I will use a site called iPiccy which is almost identical. It let’s you add text, lighten exposure and lots of cool stuff:)

    • It was great advice obviously!! I got a new camera, so I’m *hoping* to take better pictures!! The first ones were just awful…I put them up with no editing! So after a week, I realized I needed to something after looking at other blogs! If I had seen yours, I might have thrown in the towel 😉 Thanks for the tip…I’m going to try it and look at iPiccy 🙂

  183. We are in the midst of renovating an old church and I am impressed with all that you have done so far. It is always inspiring to see what other people have managed to do to/with their spaces. I’ll be back to look some more. Good luck with your efforts to make your house a home.

  184. I love your blog, I am the type of person who would pick up the interior decorating magazines rather than fashion or other stuff. We had really put in our heart and souls to renovating our house. When I get a chance I will put up the before and after pictures, nothing as awesome as the stuff you have here, but it was my little palace. Am following your blog and would love for you to come and visit mine whenever you have the time.

  185. I love your blog, I am the type of person who would pick up the interior decorating magazines rather than fashion or other stuff. My husband and I really put our hearts and souls into renovating our house, one of these days I will put up before and after pictures. Come and visit my blog whenever you get the chance.

  186. cbdesignco said:

    Hello Kearney. You have an amazing house and blog, I can’t wait to read your posts. 🙂 I live in a 105 year old cottage on Bainbridge Island WA., and I LOVE anything DIY!! ~Christine

  187. youre living in a castle 🙂 it’s so beautiful 🙂

  188. Your blog is awesome and I LOVE your house!

  189. hey, you know anyone who might be interested in buying some original art? I’m selling at 50% off or best offer. trying to raise rent by end of today 4-11-12 😀

  190. what an amazing house! beautiful 🙂

  191. Hi Kearney – I am delighted to find your blog, I can tell I will spend much enjoyable time losing myself in the great photos and ideas. -Alexandra

  192. Hi Kearney! Thanks for stopping by my blog….both it and your house are spectacular! Wowzers! Loved your post on small kitchens.

  193. Opps, in my excitement to leave you a comment I goofed! I meant to say “YOUR blog and house are both spectacular!” Where’s the edit button when you need it!!! ;b

  194. Hi Kearny, I have been looking at your blog, I think it’s wonderful. What awesome architectural designs you have in the USA! Your house is beautiful too.I have improved a couple of apartments, however not houses!
    On your blog,I especially liked the interiors of most of the rooms. The links to interior design amazon books are also very good. I will be buying a few of these today.

  195. Hi Kearney. This is very impressive. The images showing the fruits of your labour are great. Most of all I commend the commitment to your vision.

  196. I jumped on your blog and as soon as I saw your gorgeous home, and the dogs, (we are dog people too!) I realized have been on it before! I appreciate the dedication of another DYIer and wish you the best of luck on your projects. Stop by when you can.

    Small House / Big Sky Donna

  197. We are excited that you have decided to follow zaliwana Accessories! Thank you.

  198. We have a tiny house built in the 1940s, and it actually has some lovely detail. Before I got laid off, we were well into plans for vaulting the great room ceiling (we had already taken down several confining walls).

    I remember well interviewing builders–some struck me as all wrong and with little aesthetic sense that could work with my own large aesthetic sense. One treated me like the little woman who shouldn’t be bothered by details. Still another had the perfect combination of craftsman and builder. Then I got laid off! How rude!

    Best to you and your adventures. !!

  199. The beautiful spaces you create are truly inspiring, something to dream about. Thanks for sharing.

  200. I LOVE your story. I think you end up being a DIYer without knowing when you own a house. When I grow up, I want to be just like you 🙂

  201. Hi,

    I’ve been reading your blog for a while and wish I had your talent. You are inspiring!


  202. I was just going to leave a short thank you for liking my cake posts but ended up browsing through your blog instead. I have to say, I’ve never seen anything quite like this! I guess I am quite new to blogs and blogging, but still, yours is awesome. I really love old buildings as I always feel like they have more stories to tell and experiences to share. They also have the most beautiful and elaborate designs, and it always amazes me how they were made centuries ago without the technology that we have today. Anyway, keep up the good work and I look forward to reading more from you 🙂


  203. kayatthekeyboard said:

    I envy you your designing skills; I do words and recipes, but design, not so much. If you’ll come help me put my new house together, I’ll cook for you! Love the design ideas in your blog. Wish I had faith in my ability to carry them out!

  204. Wow, having sold our home of 25 years and looking for that ‘dream home’ for almost 2 years we recently talked about hiring a custom home builder. But your post scares the bejeezes out of me….how do you find skilled tradesmen and fair pricing? We live in Alberta where the housing market is extremely overpriced and we refuse to pay for someone elses poor renovation concepts….we are stuck. Any suggestions?

  205. Hi Kearney
    I was astonished when I came to visit your blog – I think it’s beautiful. I love the story of how you built the house – and what a house! I look forward to revisiting this site.

  206. Man. That’s some house you have there. Stunning. We live in a two bedroom condo but it’s perfect for two & we’re city people. (I do long for a garden and outdoor space, however…) I love home design as well though haven’t done much in awhile now there was lots in the beginning. My husband loathes it so he’s happy that part of our life is done. (Until home #2 in a few years, that is!) Alas, I started redoing the bathroom and, well, let’s just say we’re still dealing with makeshift towel hardware. The walls and ceiling look great, though ;). Anyway, great stuff here on your blog!

  207. bohemianspiritedmom said:

    Yes I am nominating you for another award–Beautiful Blogger! I know you have so many, but I love,love your posts!

  208. Hello! I love old houses. I love old cars. I love old, historic sites. I just don’t love BEING old. LOL! 😀 Great site you have here. Great pictures. Thoroughly enjoyed this site.

  209. so much beauty and so much inspiration! 🙂


  210. Hi, I have a degree in architecture and I worked in the profession for 17 years in Pennsylvania and Maryland. Lately, I have dedicated myself to my new adventure with Sharing My Italy. I still do some interior designing for friends. I will be visiting your blog often.

  211. I am loving your blog thus far and looking forward to living vicariously through it!:D thanks for sharing all of this information. I obsessed for years over vintage homes and magazines featuring decor and architecture. I got away I’m it a while ago…thanks for bringing me back to something I loved in the past 🙂

  212. Your house looks amazing-good luck on your journey

  213. Happy to find your beautiful and interesting blog. Your house looks like a fairytale castle … I guess that makes you a DIY princess? 🙂 Look forward to frequenting your site and when there is a bout of leisure plan to treat myself to going through and reading your archives.

  214. thechurchwardenswife said:

    Wow, the house is just stunning, the stuff of dreams. I shall enjoy reading your blog and living vicariously. And what a great legacy to leave your kids!

  215. thechurchwardenswife said:

    What a fab legacy to leave your kids. The house is just stunning. I am going to start reading your posts and living vicariously with a large glass of wine!

  216. Your house is stunning! I love the peaks and curves. The lines are simply wonderful.

  217. Your house is just beautiful, I love the dogs

  218. Gorgeous, gorgeous, GORGEOUS!! Looking forward to reading through some old posts and keeping up with your projects!!

    • Great blog. I wish I had the time to devote to such projects. I’m consumed with homeschooling and piddling with “Dr. Joy” books.
      All the best to you..

  219. Love your blog..
    I wish I had time to work on my house. I’m consumed with homeschooling and researching anything to do with education. Looking forward to catching up on my shopping and decorating over the summer!
    Your home is lovely. My daughter’s room is pink and green. Big fan of the preppy, tailored look:)
    All the best to you on your projects!

  220. beautiful blog…

  221. I know you them all but here you go again 🙂
    I have nominated you for the sunshine award http://leanovadesigns.wordpress.com/2012/04/29/thank-you/
    Don’t feel obligated to participate, but I wanted you to know that your blog brings me sunshine 🙂

    • Thank you so very much!!! That makes me really happy to hear!!! And congratulations to you as well! Your work is beautiful – how you manage it with 3 little ones, all at such young ages, is amazing!!

      • its very challenging and exhausting, specially when you’re trying to enjoy both motherhood and anything else. A huge thing is also support, I’m lucky to have a very helpful and supportive husband.

        We’re renting now, but when we buy again I’ll be bugging you about all sort of stuff 🙂

    • I do not know how I missed this; I am so sorry for no responding sooner! Thank you so very much!! I love hearing from you and your insight on my posts! Congratulations to you as well!!!

  222. hi kearney…thanks for liking my post on james plumb….they are very clever aren’t they?…am enjoying your posts…though have a bit of size envy…your daughter’s bedroom looks to be the size of my living, dining and kitchen put together…and there are 4 of us living here…it is good though sometimes…my girls can’t hide from me for too long….thanks for sharing what you are up too and am glad to hear that your blogging has to take a back seat when you are working…i feel guilty blogging when i should be working and find there are just not enough hours in the day…x danielle

  223. slightlysmall said:

    What a beautiful house! One of my life wishes is to be able to design my own house one day. Thanks for the like on my poem “Fingerprints”!

  224. Thank you for giving me a diversion from all of the heavy topics I have been reading and writing about lately. Seeing your home makes me miss New England. I love southern California, but while the people here are extremely diverse and interesting – most of the houses and buildings are not. The definition of an antique here seems to be an actor or actress in their 30s.

    And just for the record, I am also the proud owner of a jack russell.

  225. I can tell you are indeed passionate about your project.
    Sharing tips of your adventures is a wonderful idea.

  226. My architect hubby and I lived in a 1926 Tudor-style house for about 12 years before we had to move for the kids’ schooling. That house, and the first one before it, taught us so much about what worked and what didn’t. It also taught me that I no longer wanted to live in a constant construction project, lol, so our next house we built to ‘look old’–just like you did! We even bought mature trees, planted on moving day (the acreage had NO trees, no grass…just dirt, rocks, and wildflowers). We spent a year planning, another year building, and the main house was more or less finished the day we moved in…but there have been a few outbuildings, a workshop garage, and a pool/patio put in since, so it’s still a work in progress. We’re just not tripping over the progress. 😉 And yes, we are hooked on all the ‘house’ and renovation shows, still.

    Looking forward to checking back for inspiration!

  227. Hi Kearney! Looks like you’re on a very fun adventure!! -Lori

  228. Such a fantastic blog! Kudos!!

  229. Hi Kearney! Your blog is definitely intesting and I love your house. – Emilie

  230. Lilia Menconi said:

    Fantastic blog! You are an inspiration!

  231. So glad I dropped by to read your blog. Love the attention to detail …

  232. Big projects! You’re doing a great job. The house is beautiful. 🙂

  233. Hello, dear!
    I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award . . .

    Versatile Blogger Award

    • Hi!!! Well, it’s always a pleasure to hear from you, award or not!!! Thank you so very much though!! I’m SO happy and flattered!! Congratulations to you …now, why am I not surprised you received an award??

      • 🙂 Thanks, sweetie.

        Sorry, I haven’t been ’round the neighborhood… been really slacking off on the reading, and STILL am not making as much time for writing as I had hoped. Then again, summer’s coming, so I expect the same general absence from much of the blogging community. We should all be outside playing! 🙂

  234. kimolgren said:

    I wanted to take the opportunity to tell you how impressive your blog is. I’m looking forward to seeing more. 🙂

  235. Hello and thank you for passing by my blog and liking my article on Asiatic food in France.
    I love the pictures here and your determination to make your house just as you want it. I have a much smaller house than yours but it is still considered quite big here. It is a ‘maison maitre’ (masters house). I have had the same difficulty with builders. The price doubles if you have an English accent and trebles if added to that you have a bigger house than the builder. I often end up doing the work myself.
    The lovely pictures here have given me some inspiration.

  236. Amy Pirt said:

    What an amazing house.

  237. I just came to check out your blog and I can tell I’m going to love it. I will add you to my follow list!

  238. Hi! I know you’ve received this award before, but I just wanted to let you know I included you in my Liebster Blog Award post http://mugslife.wordpress.com/2012/05/08/liebster-award-dos/ (though I’m sure you’ve far surpassed 200 followers at this point.) Love your entries and wanted to give you a shout out! Have a nice day 🙂

    • I am so touched!! Thank you so very much!! It makes me so happy to hear and I get SO excited about awards!! Congratulations to you for receiving recognition as it is very well-deserved!!

  239. Hi,

    You have a stunning home and a very beautiful and informative blog. I look forward to visiting your blog often.

  240. Love your home and your determination and obvious design skills–looking forward to reading more.

  241. Beautiful blog you got here 🙂

  242. Hi Kearney,

    I seriously just drooled a little on my laptop when I saw the photo of the house you guys built. How fun is it to make your dream like that become a reality?! We are definite suckers for molding and are slowly adding it throughout our 20 year old home. Time consuming, but so worth it. Love all of your photos… they are very inspiring!


  243. Good evening, Kearney, I’ve been enjoying your beautiful site, enjoying your writing, too. I did chuckle a bit as I read about how you are drawn to architectural details and moldings and such because I am too, yet here I am living in a village in the middle of nowhere where raw spruce one by twos are the only molding in town and florescent light fixtures and bare bulb sockets are the top of the line in lighting. Well, at least I can satisfy my cravings for fine craftsmanship by visiting your blog. Best wishes!

  244. I can thoroughly sympathize with your contractor issues. $10,000 must be a magic number. That’s what the contractor wanted to tear down the rotten porch on my Victorian which is much smaller than your house. I accomplished this task with a crowbar and five pound sledge hammer in a day. It only cost me, hmmmm….NOTHING!

  245. Hallo Kearney, your home is magnificent, I had to read twice, look several times before I realised that it is a ‘new build’. Quite amazing! You are an accomplished and seasoned writer as well as designer and it will take me many visits to catch up with your posts. It is inspirational to be part of this community. Thank you.

  246. Looks like you have a BIG project on your hands but it doesn’t feel like a chore, it feels more like a labor of love 🙂

  247. Love your blog for the consistent, beautiful images and words. Therefore, I nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger Award. http://kateschannel.wordpress.com/2012/05/13/tumultuous-and-beautiful/

  248. Hi Kearney,
    Your blog looks great and I’ll be back!

  249. Your house is awesome and so is your blog! I’ve been through some of your entries for the past 3 days and I always thought you are an Architect but my jaw dropped to find that you have a degree in Economics instead. That is amazing! I am so clicking that subscribe button! 🙂

    Thanks for liking my Tiny Slipper post!

  250. Saint Stay At Home said:

    Most impressive!
    Let me guess…you cook and bake too?

  251. I am absolutely a self-professed DIYer :p so I am finding this blog LOVELY!

  252. Thanks so much for inviting us into your home to share all your DIY tips!

  253. Thanks so much for inviting us into your home to share all your DIY tips.

  254. Hi, I love your beautiful blog; great ideas! xoG

  255. I absolutely love your home! I also wanted to build a new home that looked old 🙂 That’s not quite where my husband and I ended up, but I am very excited about bringing some classic elements (like fancy crown molding, which i also get super excited over) into our home. I think your blog will be full of beautiful inspiration for me!

  256. Oh, and I forgot to ask – what is the image/photo in your header? i love it! it reminds me of Drayton Hall in SC. I visited there a few years ago and fell in love with the gorgeous architecture!

    • That’s exactly what it is – Drayton Hall!! I’m in the middle of a project now adding split, fluted columns as pilasters, then I have a couple of rooms that I need to add some ornate, large face crown molding, all of which I’ll blog about 🙂 Unfortunately, my little ones get out of school next week!

  257. I look forward to reading more of your work on your blog.

  258. Anne Bonney said:

    I share your love of crown molding and will visit again!

  259. I can’t wait to read your posts. I love redecorating and live on a very tight budget. My husband inherited our old farm house about 10 years ago and it was built in the early 1800’s and has had three small additions added to it in all those years. Amazingly I have three very small closets and two built under stairs. When we moved in every room in the house had been painted watergate salad green and I’ve painted everyone myself (a few each year). I’m at the point where I have to start over. Each room has two wall outlets and most rooms have pull-chain ceiling lights. I save money each year to do something under $1000 and by the time I retire I hope to have all the major changes complete. My husband is a full time farmer and any construction he does entails a chainsaw SO I’m learning myself to do these changes myself with advise of friends, DIY blogs, HGTV and lots of manuals. I work full time to help pay the bills and keep health insurance so money will always be tight. I will be following your blog for advise and ideas and am so glad you are out there in cyberland for me to follow.

  260. Such a beautiful site you have here! I look forward to scouring every bit!

  261. nice site, awesome house!

  262. That intro was very entertaining. Glad to hear you have had so many adventures with your house and are enjoying more. My jaw dropped when I saw the photo – you rock. Loved the dog photos too. Nice to hear of someone who won’t be used by the trades – can’t you connect with anyone of quality in your area? You have done unbelievably well without them. If you like art – please check out my website – artinstructor.net – maybe you’ll like mine 🙂

  263. You are a great blogger!

  264. Oh my God, that house is gorgeous! But I’m definitely too lazy for the upkeep of such an extensive building…and I have to be a DIYer, thanks to funds. Ah, well.

  265. Great blog and house! Will be looking through your blog for ideas …

  266. nimbusantiques said:

    We love your house and the dog!!! Let us know if you need any antique furniture. We stock almost everything form towel rails to massive bookcases.

  267. Hi! I love your home – very inspiring!!! Keep up the great work!

  268. You are amazing! I totally understand the passion that goes into really making your house feel like your home. My husband is a carpenter/contractor, and our dream is to build our home in a few years. In the meantime, we’re making do with redesigning the interiors of our current apartment. I look forward to reading about your projects!

  269. I share your enthusiams for renovations. I thought I’d be done by now – after four years – but there is still more to be done and I love every minute of it. Great house. And even better to see you enjoying it.

  270. Dear Kearney
    Love your ideas and designs and it was a pleasure to stop by your blog
    We have worked with some of the top designers in London but I live in a English Country Cottage
    Very Best Wishes

  271. I love your blog. I lived in DC in the 1980’s and adore the place! Good luck with all your projects. I shall follow your blog. Lyn

  272. Best to you and your wonderful projects 🙂

  273. Love your blog!

  274. I have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award and the Genuine Blog Award, for details http://leanovadesigns.wordpress.com/2012/06/17/spreading-the-love-on-fathers-day/

  275. thoughtsfromanamericanwoman said:

    What a beautiful home. We have always appreciated older homes and I will look forward to reading your blog. ~Patty

  276. Wow, very impressive undertaking! Great blog, and love any dog shots that pop in there!

  277. Your house is like something out of a 19th century story. The gables! The greenery! And I love all of your DIY projects. I love the confidence I gain from making my own things–whether its food, interior design, or for the home.

  278. I’m excited and intrigued to read your blog. Protecting and preserving artisan food, wine, art and design is part of the Italian lifestyle. Hopefully your story will make Americans move away from the disposable and think more about the beauty and history of what we have to save.

  279. Hi Kearney, Kudos to you on your house, wow, what a project!

  280. Continued luck on your project!

  281. Dogs *and* a love of architectural details? Fantastic! Please let me know if you have any suggested topics!

  282. I love your blogs – I have a passion for home design.

  283. Hi there,

    I just wandered into your blog and boy, am I impressed. I love properties myself and beautiful architecture so what you are doing is very inspiring. I love art deco era properties but don’t think I have the patience to DIY a house… but will be reading your blog a bit more hopefully, get inspired to think about renovating when the time comes for us to settle in our dream home. Right, we buy and invest in brand new properties in Australia to save ourselves the hassle and to maximise on our depreciation.

    I will be visiting your site more often. Please feel free to refer my site to anyone with pets that could benefit from our natural soaps!:)

    Connie from Down Under

  284. What a fantastic blog! I found myself fascinated. I most surely will be back again and have a wonderful time on your tumultuous journey.

  285. What a fantastic blog! I found myself fascinated. I hope you have a wonderful time on your tumultuous journey.

  286. greetings from North Wales (UK) & see you around soon….? 🙂

  287. May I be so bold as to suggest a section for the “Study” area or room? Why does noone have a library these days? Most people today have more books than stately homes did when libraries were popular. They had their books rebound to suit themselves, but anyone can get that done today. Thank you.

    • Absolutely – I’m glad there’s interest!! I have a library, which our family uses almost daily – I even put some of my favorite design and children books on the sidebar. I have many, many pictures of beautiful, unique and unusual libraries, but I haven’t gotten around to doing a post yet.

  288. Holy cow! I was reading your story, and nodding “uh-huh, uh-huh.” I’m the same way about my projects…then I saw the house. You are brave, my friend, to undertake THE project. I’m impressed, to say the least, and excited to check out more of your blog. 🙂

    • Thank you so much! I love finding people who feel the same way as I do about projects!!! As far as tackling my house, I’m not sure if it is/was bravery or naiveté on my part 😉 We had NO experience, but I appreciate the results so much more than if I had just thrown money at it 🙂 I’m happy you (so far) like what you have read!!

  289. I live in one of the houses you refer to: three identical houses in a row, no crown molding or any molding by the ceiling, cheapest windows, doors, etc. the builder could find. The first couple who bought this house called it a cracker box! I thought it was a started home, but my husband hates to move so much that it will probably be my retirement home! We have been insulating and upgrading items for years!

  290. Hello. My wife is a designer so it’s always nice to see other perspectives in the field. Keep it up.

  291. Hi!
    I have nominated you for the Lovely Blog Award. Congratulations! If you would like to participate details are here: http://getcareydaway.com/2012/07/04/one-lovely-blog-award/

  292. Hi, nice to meet you and glad to know you are out there. Love some of the intricate designs on the blog, very informative thank you

  293. This blog is exquisite – I love all the gorgessity that you post and being a voyeur into other people’s homes. I’m nominating you for the Blog on Fire award – check it out here: http://gottagetbaked.wordpress.com/2012/07/16/blog-on-fire-award/

  294. Bonjour. Your blog is very nice! I browsed and landed on this kids rooms corner – beautiful – and so I have posted a response just for you on Eugenie Street: http://eugeniestreet.wordpress.com/2012/07/25/magnetic-wall/
    It’s not yet fully installed, but I hope you’ll appreciate the echoe to this beautiful selection above!

  295. Sorry I forgot to sign, my name is Bénédicte

  296. eighttreestreet said:

    I so love your blog, you always find the most exquisite finds and gorgeous additions, plus your own work is amazing, very inspiring! Thank you.

  297. Hi Kearney, I don’t know how I ever found your blog, but I’m glad I did. I just nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award. You deserve it,

  298. franciscoandmalkadesign said:

    Hi There! After perusing your blog, we’ve found that we have so much in common with you. LOVE the penny floors! Having recently moved to Mexico City from Canada, we have noticed such a difference in availability and variety in terms of home decor. ADetailedHouse is so inspirational.

  299. Saved as a favorite, I really like your blog!

  300. I’ll definitely be back. Cheers, Elana

  301. MakeSomethingMondays said:

    I’ve nominated you for the Inspiring Blogger Award! I would love it if you accepted. Your blog is quite inspirational to me. Please visit http://makesomethingmondays.wordpress.com/2012/08/05/the-very-inspiring-blogger-award/ for the rules.

    • Aww!! Thank you so much!! The “things about me” part always stumps me :-/ And thank you for such kind words!! I very much enjoy reading your blog, so I’m not surprised by your award 🙂

  302. Wow, I really like your blog! I am a little obsessed with historical houses and their look and feel, regretfully there aren’t many where I live here in Costa Rica. I’m really intrigued by your header image, I was recently in Charleston and spent some time visiting the historical plantation homes there. Is the picture for one of them? It looks almost exactly like the pictures I took there!

  303. Great line up. We will be linking to this great article on our site. Keep up the good writing.

  304. wowsers, i came on over to check out your blog after you liked my post, light fantastic. wasn’t expecting to find someone with a gazillion readers (and a mansion to boot) interested in my little, barely 2 weeks old blog! so thanks for the like and all the inspiration to be had here. i’m off for a look around!!

  305. Love your blog and have nominated you for a Beautiful Blogger Award—

    Noto to worry if awards aren’t your thing. Just wanted to single you out as one of my favorites!


  306. Hey there! I nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award! If you want to accept and participate just click Below and follow the steps!

    One Lovely Blog Award

  307. This is one fine blog you have here!

  308. Keep up the wonderful work on your house and your blog. Regards, Roz

  309. Anna Scott Graham said:

    What an amazing home and quite a story to go with it! We lived in some very old houses in the UK; the last had fantastically high ceilings and wonderful molding. I will never forget our time there!

  310. noragruenberg said:

    Your blog is beautiful and I know my partner Heather will take a special interest in it. Beautifying her home is one of her key interests and there is a LOT of inspiration to be found here!

  311. I have nominated you for the beautiful blogger award. Go here http://localartcoeurdalenegallery.wordpress.com/2012/09/02/beautiful-blogger-award/ and check out the details 🙂

  312. wow!!! What a gorgeous home you have pictured here – New Money, Old Money or No Money – some “fields of interest” have no scruples when it comes to estimates – I could go on and on but we did have one landscape gentlemen come to our house, take a look at the yard and said “Cha-Ching” …. I showed him the door AFTER I let him measure the back yard and draw up a sketch of his “plans” … please!!! Anyway, I look fwd to coming back this way.

    • Omg – that is great that you did it after!! You’re one smart cookie 🙂 SO serves him right after trying to inflate the prices! I am so sick of that attitude that I try to do most things myself now…sometimes with good results, sometimes not 😉

  313. Hi Kearney, Wow, I can see why you’ve been nominated so many times for blog awards. Your blog is loaded with just the kind of information I’ve been looking for and can’t wait to spend time checking it out.

    We love lots of wood, crown molding and high ceilings. After a few years of looking we finally found “the house” with high ceilings, triple crown molding and solid doors, etc. Great, right? But much to our dismay (after we moved in) and we got past the “wow” factor, it became a house of horrors with one thing after another breaking down. We have since settled with the Inspector. Even though we finally have things are now stable, we hit the point where we lost confidence in the house and it will only be a matter of time before we sell it. Lessons learned.

    • Hi Mary! I am so sorry you had to go through that!! Boy, have I too learned so many “experts” just don’t do their job!! Our builder installed our windows wrong, which nullified the warrantee!! So many of our window cranks don’t work!!! I am beyond bitter of how BAD of a job he did!! Ugh! So, I feel your pain :-/

  314. I am looking forward to reading more of your post. Awesome house.

  315. I love you blog! Thanks so much for liking my post. Keep up the great work.. I can’t wait to see what you come up with next 🙂


  316. Loved knowing more about you. As a home bird & a parent to many dogs at home too, i really enjoyed your blog a lot. Home is indeed where the heart is. 🙂

  317. Thanks for providing this resource within your website.

  318. petit4chocolatier said:

    Excellent blog and I am so glad I found it. From what I am seeing and reading so far you give sound and true information. I do most of my decorating and renovating myself and have saved tons of money doing so. I loved your humble beginnings with a painter. You definitely know what you are doing; outstanding!

  319. Hi Kearney! I found you on SITS and have to say I’m more than PLEASED! Your blog is awesome…very informative and beautiful work! I too am a DIYer, and you have rekindled my passion to get back into the game! I will definitely be following your blog!

  320. Hi Kearney…I must say, I’m more than PLEASED! Your blog is awesome…very informative and your work is beautiful! I too am a DIYer, and you have rekindled my passion to get back into the game! I will definitely be following your blog! 🙂

  321. Wow, what a beautiful blog, dogs and house you have and Thank you for following my blog 🙂 We have nominated you for A Wonderful Team Member Readership Award. Congratulations!

  322. Do you have a button I can put on my blog? I’m putting a few of my favs on there. Thanks, Dawne

  323. US Real Estate Agent Directories said:

    I always spend a half an hour to read this website’s content every day along with a cup of coffee.

  324. Jesse Howard said:

    Love it! You have done a fantastic job with the website. Your dedication and eye for details are all over it. I assume you are somewhat of a pro, or you have just been posting for some time now. Anyways, I have skimmed through your comments and they made me laugh. Just how you connect with the viewer is awesome!

  325. Hi! You have a pretty cool site! I wish you all the best, Diana

  326. Hi! You have wonderful concepts and your blog gives me lots of ideas for my dream house. When time comes that my husband and I will build our own fortress, I’m sure I’ll be on your page quite often. 😉 By the way, I’ve nominated you for an award which you can check out here -> http://adventuresofmoonchild.com/?p=2064

    Thanks and more power! 🙂

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